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Tastings in the wineries of the Prosecco Superiore Hills

Add a unique touch to your holiday with unbeatable experiences in wineries in the heart of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visit wineries and discover the secrets of internationally famous fizz! Stroll among the vineyards, take master classes with expert sommeliers, and participate in outdoor activities like real locals. Savour authentic, traditional products from the Prosecco Superiore Hills. Enjoy unforgettable experiences when the wineries open their doors. Take your pick or try them all!

Organic delights

34,00 €


Outdoor & Tasting
Organic delights
Bortolomiol in Valdobbiadene
Wine, nature and art: the perfect blend

Hiking among the castle vines

30,00 €


Outdoor & Tasting
Hiking among the castle vines
Cantine Collalto in Susegana
A guided tour of the Collalto family’s old estate

An off-road wine experience

50,00 €


Outdoor & Tasting
An off-road wine experience
Cantine Collalto in Susegana
Hit the trails between the vineyards of the Collalto estate

Prosecco with a view

58,00 €


Outdoor & Tasting
Prosecco with a view
Col del Lupo in Vidor
An exclusive prosecco tasting with breathtaking vistas

Venegazzù Cru Experience

25,00 €


Outdoor & Tasting
Venegazzù Cru Experience
Loredan Gasparini in Volpago del Montello
Discover the red land behind a great wine

The hills

Just a short trip from the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Venice and the Dolomites. Asolo, Conegliano, Possagno, Valdobbiadene and Vittorio Veneto are just some of the towns dotted across the Prosecco Superiore Hills that you can explore during your holiday.


Top events

Tiramisù World Cup

Tiramisù World Cup

From 10th to 13th October 2024
Challenge to the last dusting of cocoa.

Tiramisù Day

Tiramisù Day

6th October 2024
Tiramisù and scientific research.

100 Miglia sulla Strada del Conegliano Valdobbiadene

100 Miglia sulla Strada del Conegliano Valdobbiadene

4th and 5th October 2024
Watch magnificent classic cars speed through the hills on the Prosecco Route or drive one yourself: a breathtaking blend of history, motoring and nature.

Prosecco Cycling

Prosecco Cycling

29th September 2024
Thousands of amateur enthusiasts from all over the world riding side by side with professionals in the Prosecco Superiore Hills: enjoy the weekend of your dreams at Prosecco Cycling!



From 13th to 22nd September 2024
Unesco World Heritage Hills festival.


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Intervento realizzato avvalendosi del finanziamento:

POR FESR – “Bando per l’attivazione, sviluppo, consolidamento di aggregazioni di PMI per interventi che favoriscano l’orientamento alla domanda turistica e ai mercati internazionali”

Asse 3
Competitività dei sistemi Produttivi

Azione 3.3.4 - Sostegno alla competitività delle imprese nelle destinazioni turistiche, attraverso interventi di qualificazione dell’offerta e innovazione di
prodotto/servizio, strategica ed organizzativa Sub-Azione D “Promozione”
DGR 1426 del 01/10/2019 – progetto di aggregazione finalizzato alla alla promo-commercializzazione di prodotti turistici sviluppati all’interno del network di imprese

Spesa ammessa: € 592.700,00
Contributo ammesso: 296.350,00