Canova often returned to his home town...
Canova and Possagno: endless love
Canova often returned to his home town of Possagno and his body now lies there in his Temple, which was his most cherished project.
A visit to Possagno is an essential part of every break in the Prosecco Superiore Hills!
Antonio Canova’s Temple is a magnificent Neoclassical construction on high ground at the foot of Col Draga. It symbolically evokes what were considered the three key phases in history: Greek civilization, Roman culture and the greatness of Christianity.
The Temple was designed by the artist and contains some of his works. Make sure you also stop off at his birthplace, where you can admire some of his prized paintings, engravings, drawings and marble sculptures, as well as his tools and clothes. Alternatively, you could visit the Gypsotheca: in the 19th century room are many of the finest and most famous of Canova’s pieces, while the Scarpa Wing hosts a display of his terracotta maquettes, which are some of the “preliminary models” that are most highly acclaimed by both critics and the public.