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The Abbey of Follina

Follina is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy and its history is encapsulated by two sites, including a Cistercian Abbey

Pray and work: the story of Follina

Follina is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy and its history is encapsulated by two sites: the Cistercian Abbey that stands tall over the village centre and the Paoletti wool mill, whose importance went beyond contributing to the economy of the valley.

You’ll fall in love with the Abbey of Follina, where art and nature prevail in the cloister and the fairy-tale colonnade features spiral, twin, simple and knotted columns, with a variety of designs on the capitals and numerous friezes. It’s a peaceful haven near a watercourse where you can revitalize your spirit. It played an important role in the village, as did the Paoletti Wool Mill, which has kept alive Follina’s medieval tradition of “fulling” wool ever since the late 18th century. It’s still a popular part of the local culture today.
The archives of the Paoletti Wool Mill contain order records that can still be viewed. They help to paint a picture of the village’s history. Two of the most significant episodes date back to the world wars: during the First World War, orders were interrupted after the Italian defeat in the Battle of Caporetto and the company moved to Biella following the subsequent occupation. During the Second World War, the Wool Mill did not close. It became a supplier to the military, thus ensuring that the workers were not called up to serve in the armed forces.

Presso l'archivio del Lanificio Paoletti è possibile ricostruire la storia del piccolo borgo, grazie ai registri degli ordini che ancora oggi è possibile consultare. Tra le nozioni importanti, due risalgono ai conflitti mondiali: durante la Grande Guerra, l'interruzione degli ordini in seguito alla disfatta di Caporetto, ed il conseguente trasferimento a Biella dopo l'occupazione. Durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, invece, il Lanificio non chiuse, ma divenne fornitore militare, evitando così agli operai la chiamata alle armi.

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